Early May

David Farmer was kind enough to volunteer to be our guide on a hike from Thorndike Brook to Ragged Mountain. It was a beautiful day full of sun and enough breeze to keep the black flies busy. We were introduced to the watershed with some great views looking west and then south as we reached Ragged Mountain. At one point, the trail courses right along a bare rock ledge that is the divide between two watersheds. I could imagine that in a hailstorm, two ice crystals falling to earth centimeters apart may actually bounce on the ledge, and find themselves melting into different watersheds.

Ragged Mt w DFDavid Farmer near Ragged Mt

Ragged Mt panolooking south from Ragged Mt

Thorndike BrookThorndike Brook

Roaring Spout Preserve

Roaring Spout trapezoid2

Roaring Spout trapezoid

Port Clyde area Spruce Forest
Port Clyde spruces

Port Clyde spruce trunk

Port Clyde Twilight

Appleton Ridge
cropped-Appleton-Ridge-pano.jpgAppleton Ridge Apple tree

14 thoughts on “Early May

  1. Elizabeth and Michael – I’m already blown away by the pictures! Can’t wait to see more. Looking forward to our first reception on May 28, 7 pm, at the Highlands Coffee House in Thomaston.

  2. Congratulations on being chosen as GRLT’s first artists-in-residence. I agree with Gail about your images. Gorgeous! I look forward to meeting you both on May 28.
    Kit Pfeiffer, GRLT volunteer

  3. Thanks for the comment Kit. We are very much looking forward to meeting the community later this month, and also to enjoying the spectacular nature and people of the watershed.

  4. After seeing your photographs of Roaring Spout, I have a terrific urge to see this place. And I am grateful your eyes saw, and your camera recorded, the tree trunk embraced by shadow in the Port Clyde Spruce Forest. Takes my breath away.

  5. ЧНПФ «Анкор-Теплоэнерго» по праву является одной из основных проектно-конструкторской и инженерно-производственной организацией в Украине и государствах СНГ в области промышленных пластинчатых теплообменных аппаратов для разнообразных областей промышленности. Свой производственный путь фирма начала с 1991 года, и сегодня продолжает результативно развиваться и работать. В основу компании были заложены совместный опыт группы профессионалов «УКРНИИХИММАШ», стремление к развитию и инициатива. Сегодня же ЧНПФ «Анкор-Теплоэнерго» — симбиоз научно-технического потенциала в сфере конструирования и изготовления высокоэффективного пластинчатого теплообменного оборудования.

    разборный пластинчатый теплообменник

  6. May Day was also celebrated by some early European settlers of the American continent. In some parts of the United States, May baskets are made. These are small baskets usually filled with flowers or treats and left at someone’s doorstep. The giver rings the bell and runs away.

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